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Simple Ways to Combine Print and Digital Marketing Strategies

Simple Ways to Combine Print and Digital Marketing Strategies

While digital marketing might be one of the most popular options for improving brand awareness these days, that doesn’t mean that print marketing doesn’t have its benefits too. In fact, as we continue to progress into 2018, it seems that print will always deserve a primary place in your marketing campaigns.

The CMI annual report from just a couple of years ago found that search engine marketing (66%) and offline promotion (57%) has a similar amount of interest from companies looking for ways to boost brand performance.

The easiest way to get ahead of the competition might be to avoid committing entirely to print or digital and instead find a way to combine the two.

Here are just three ways that you can bring your digital and offline marketing strategies together for better all-around brand awareness.

#1. Use Digital Opt-Ins for Direct Mail

Instead of asking someone to sign up for your email campaign the next time they visit your website and move through your landing page, why not consider asking them to sign up for a direct mail newsletter instead. Unlike email campaigns that can easily go straight to a junk inbox folder, a direct mail campaign is sure to grab the attention of your target audience.

There’s something special about turning the pages of a catalog that can help you to build stronger connections with your customers, and the truth is that printing your own brochure is usually a lot less expensive than you might think.

#2. Try Personalized URLs and QR Codes for Giveaways

If you want to really engage with your target audience, then you need to give them an experience that’s worth getting excited about. When QR codes were originally introduced, they were a very exciting concept – and something that many businesses were talking about. However, while they might have lost some of their buzz over recent months, the truth is that QR codes still have a lot to offer when they’re used correctly.

If someone comes to your store on the right day, you could offer them a leaflet printed with its own special URL or QR code which they can use to get an exclusive discount on your online store. Because these discounts aren’t available online, you can rest assured that your customers will feel more appreciated and respected by your business. This leads to a greater chance of long-term loyalty.

#3. Combine In-Store and Social Displays

Finally, in-person events are still a great way to drive stronger relationships with your customers – particularly in an age where consumers believe that experience is the only true form of brand differentiation.

RelatedHow to Use Digital and Print Marketing Strategies Together

At your next event, you can distribute printed materials and engage in conversations with your customers that help to develop brand awareness, while additionally bringing some of your offline customers online.

One of the best ways to combine your in-store displays and event experiences with the online world is through social media. For instance, your next brand kiosk could include a touch-screen experience that allows a customer to click to follow you on social media channels. Or you could encourage someone to follow you on social media in exchange for a prize!

Print and Digital Marketing Strategies
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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
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