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How To Obtain Benefits From Your Military Service?

How To Obtain Benefits From Your Military Service

Mostly every service member who signs up to serve in the US Military can list a few good reasons for joining, including the honor of serving your country, a chance to get training in a specialized field, and the pay.

Beyond direct rewards of military membership, though, you earn other benefits that you can use even after your time in active service is over.

Education to Housing to Taxes and More

You won’t learn all the good things that veterans can get in this article, but you can start with a better understanding of some main areas where benefits are available, such as in:

  • Tax savings
  • Housing and loan assistance with best interest rates and terms
  • Education and training opportunities
  • Healthcare and life insurance

To access most of these programs, a veteran (or the service member’s next-of-kin), will usually need a form called the DD214.

A Starting Point to Finding Benefits You Deserve

Former service members find that one key to getting benefits they’ve earned is the Department of Defense Form 214, or “DD214.” This form details your time in the military, rank, pay, awards and recognition’s, and other key details.

While every service member or next-of-kin is able to apply for a copy of your DD214, the process can take quite a bit of time. For those in a hurry, options to get your FORM DD214 online can speed the process a lot.

Education and Training

While most service members get some specific training in the type of work they do in the military, many don’t realize that they may be able to get more formal schooling after leaving the service.

You may want to go on and develop your skills further in a related area, or you may go into something else. The post 9/11 GI bill can help with costs.

Housing and Loans

Veterans are often eligible for assistance finding and securing a home loan on good terms, whether help with down payments, lower interest rates, or other details. Banks and mortgage companies will require a certified copy of your DD214 to prove your eligibility.

Tax Savings

Certain types of income you get in the military are tax-free. Some savings and investment programs allow you to put away money tax-deferred for retirement. While taxes (and death) may be unavoidable, with some knowledge and help from a tax expert you can reduce the amount that you pay in taxes as a service member or veteran.

Don’t Sleep on Your Benefits

Your military service has earned you certain honors and benefits. All of the programs are designed to recognize your service to your country, but they only help you if you know about them and make the effort to qualify.

A big first step for many people is to have a certified copy of your DD214. Get your DD214 online and get started learning of your options in military benefit programs.

Summing up

When you need to get your DD214, you often need it in your hands soon. The self-serve process of applying for the form through mail or fax will take weeks to months to resolve. A professional researcher working for you will get the paperwork to the right desk, directly, the first time. For many people, the peace of mind and rapid results are worth every bit of the cost.

How To Obtain Benefits From Your Military Service
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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
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