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5 Tips for Successful Company Rebranding

For many small business owners, a company rebrand involves much more work than anticipated. So, the first step should be to determine whether or not a rebrand is what you need – it’s only worth it if it can serve an affirmative purpose for your business.

In some cases, entrepreneurs undertake a rebrand simply because they don’t like their company name or logo, for example, but that’s not always the best reason to go through with the work.

On the other hand, if your name is unclear to customers, or company evolution means that the old name no longer works, these are much better reasons to consider a rebrand.

And, before you decide that a rebrand makes sense for your business, it’s important to be fully clear on the amount of work that this will require from your team.

5 Tips for Successfully Rebranding Your Business

#1. Be Clear and Specific

If you have decided to undertake a rebrand because your company name isn’t clear enough, it’s time to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. Find a name idea that explains exactly what your company is about and provides your customers with clear information about your brand with little effort.

To do this, come up with a list of objectives for your rebrand, and ensure that your target market and new brand identity are well-defined.

#2. Encourage a Culture of Responsibility

In order for a rebrand to work well, it’s important to give your teams responsibility and authority. Involve representatives from each department of your business and encourage them to communicate with one another about their ideas and suggestions for rebranding.

In addition, it’s important to ensure that everybody is talking about potential roadblocks and setbacks, so that they can be identified and dealt with in advance of deadlines.

Company Rebranding

#3. Let Your Customers Know Early

Rebranding and keeping your customers in the dark is never a good idea; once your rebrand is successful, they may not realize that you are the same company they once knew.

So, it’s a wise idea to inform your customers of your plans ahead of time; even if you haven’t finished the rebranding process, it’s a good idea to send out an email or letter to your customers to inform them of your new name, logo, missions and values, for example.

A good way to do this is by using branded merchandise; sending your customers a free pen, mug, or lapel pin like one of these with your new brand name and logo is a great way to get customers talking about your new branding and ready for what is to come.

#4. Get Feedback from Your Team

When it comes to rebranding your company, it’s a good idea to talk to the people who know it best – your employees. Take the time to sit down with your employees or send out a company-wide survey to get ideas, suggestions and opinions on your rebrand ideas.

Employees are more knowledgeable than anybody else when it comes to what works well for your brand currently and what could be improved on, which will help you make the right decisions for a successful future brand.

And, involving employees in the process will help to encourage better productivity, teamwork and loyalty.

#5. Come Up with a Detailed Plan

Once you have a strong idea of the direction in which your rebrand is going to take, it’s important that you manage it to a detailed plan.

Ensure that teams are frequently checking in with one another to discuss where they are up to in the plan, what steps to take next, and if any adjustments are needed to meet rebranding objectives.

Wrap up

Rebranding your business is a huge job, so ensure it’s the right thing to do before you get started.

Rebranding your business
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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
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