19 November 2024
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Ways to Grow your Blog Readership and Increase Traffic

As blogging continues to be accepted by more teenagers as a secondary source of income, it is now harder for upcoming bloggers to lure in more traffic. In this article, we explore into the ways to grow your blog readership and increase traffic.


In such a time of saturation, the matter of discussion is less about how to build a blog audience but rather more about how to grow your blog traffic fast.


As most teenage bloggers look for a return on their blogs as early as the first application. Is this possible? Yes, it is. There are a few ways to grow your blog readership and learn how to build an audience for your blog thereby increasing your blog traffic.


As some of the technical niches for writing are well established in terms of blogs and blog writers, it isn’t easy to make an impact in the field.



To qualify as one exceptional blog writer for a particular niche, your attention to detail is essential.


The following tactics will help you push your blog readership significantly if your content is both detail-oriented and written well.


Ways to Grow your Blog Readership and Increase Traffic


#1) Ways to Grow your Blog Readership – Smart Sharing


Most bloggers share their content only once and follow a similar share post template on all of their shared streams.


However, it is important for you to share smartly and share your content more than once.



With every share, you potentially attract a new type of reader who would appreciate your content.


As there is always a chance of your original post’s inaccessibility to a few, it is always recommended to share more than once.


To avoid developing monotony with the sharing system:


  • Sharing content with new formats
  • On new channels and platforms
  • In a timely fashion is ideal


This works on most social media channels as posts are updated very frequently leaving even the recent uploads stale.


A few might mistake this for spamming and would not approve of it.


You can consider it less as spamming and more as delivering content for a particular type of reader at their doorstep.



Another way to look at it would be to consider it as a smart way to share relevant content that lost its significance in the crowd of other spam.


Your content still matters to your audience and would require consistent sharing after a single publish.


This way, the answer to a complicated question like how to grow a blogs following would be a single click away.


One way to ensure that you do not come off as a spammer is to share the same message in a novel manner that surprises the reader alluring him/her to your content that emphasizes more so on a previously stated point.


#2) Ways to Grow your Blog Readership – Get Influential Writers


The most preferred blog traffic generator and one of the ways to grow your blog readership are recruiting the best of the best writers for your blogs.


Experienced influencers who have written previously for successful blogs can be approached as a favor or as a partnership where both people walk out with profits.


The first step is for recruiting and reaching out to bloggers.


People with the largest social follower base in your particular target niche of writing expertise are to be requested for contributing to your blog.


Most often, these experienced writers will deliver quality content to you that can:


  • Fetch you a greater user engagement


Apart from that, there is every chance that public from your influencer’s social network would be interested in your work too thereby:


  • Increasing your blog traffic rapidly


However, this is not the solution for a question like, “how to get traffic to my blog for free?”, as these influencers do not work free and will require remunerations for their efforts.



The cost of the writer for an article would not be able to outweigh the advantages of bringing an experienced writer of your technical niche on board your team of writers.


Requests to share the content on their own blog/web page can be fulfilled.


From your end, you will have to ensure that they are given a shoutout or:


  • A link back to their website on your posts


If you offered products or services and required the influencer’s words for promotion, then you could:


  • Consider sending them free products as a mark of appreciation


Influential writers can significantly improve blog readership as they present a unique perspective on your entire blog as they are able to integrate content written for other big media agencies with your services.


#3) Ways to Grow your Blog Readership – Bunch of Subscribers


One of the most common questions faced by experienced bloggers is how to increase blog traffic, and the answer lies in subscribers.


It is important for any blog to be loyal to their subscribers and deliver content to them without having them to look for it on a blog or web page.


It is the next best thing you can get at organic traffic and one of the:


  • Key ways to grow your blog readership


You can use techniques like:


  • Page takeovers
  • Interstitials
  • Bars
  • Sliders to collect emails


There are many software applications like ConvertPlug and Hellobar that can produce all desired results and collect emails while doing so effectively and efficiently.



Thrive Leads, is another software application that compliments Hellobar and has additional features to help increase user engagement.


You can collect emails from your readers ensuring their subscription to your service as well as enabling them to utilize it further by offering them:


  • Extra content
  • Bonuses
  • Special offers
  • Reference links that are priceless for the right kind of eyes


You can also update them regularly of your posts, your developments, and plans for future posts.



Even though you will have to spend some time organizing emails and ensuring their timed delivery, this is an easy and approved ways to grow your blog readership.


#4) Ways to Grow your Blog Readership – New Text Formats


New text formats are the solution to how to grow your WordPress blog as writing extraordinary content does not just involve the use of text.


It is important to deliver content in newer formats with validated information accessible to the reader.


For this reason, repurposing preexisting content to a newer audience with a better format is important to increase blog traffic.


Your blogs can be converted to podcasts wherein you record your posts in your own voice and upload it on the internet. This way, you get to express your views and interact well with the reader/listener.



A video can also be uploaded wherein you are presenting your content and recording the video for uploading it on video hosting websites like YouTube.


Most blogs convert their content to eBooks and offer them to the reader as a part of a subscription plan thereby enhancing the blog’s organic traffic.


Apart from these, there are:


  • Infographics
  • Images
  • Polls
  • User-Interactive Content


Newer text formats should be easier to follow for the reader and ensure that the content is understood well even while offering the least time investment.


Deploying various techniques wherein you can use unorthodox text formats like infographics, animated video, as well as other user-interactive content based on your:


  • Blog Audience Demographics


To Conclude


It is important to know for every blog owner that there is no better substitute to generate blog traffic and aforementioned ways to grow your blog readership than good quality relevant content.


These ways can complement all your efforts well and record them using a blog traffic tracker like StatCounter and Feedjit usually integrated into the blog to produce results faster.


ways to grow your blog readership and increase traffic

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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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